Okay, this is how you can tell I’m super blogging procrastinator, it’s October and I am just posting my Holiday minis I hosted last November.  UGH!  What is the matter with me?  Well, I love this backdrop so much I will use it again this year.  Happy holidays everyone!

You know what I really love?  Being asked by someone you have been friends with for over 16 years to take your family photos.  Meet Anna, she and I went to nursing school together, and when her parents made the trip to California from Mississippi for Thanksgiving, Anna asked me to take family photos which […]

I love cake smash sessions, I never know how the baby is going to respond to the cake.  Some cry, some scream, and some are so afraid of the cake they won’t go near it.  My favorite babies are the one’s to who take to cake like a fish to water.  I have a special […]