This little guy was so sweet!  He stayed awake for the beginning of our session, but he didn’t cry or fuss, he just wanted to check everything out and see what I was all about.  I finally wore him down and he was snoozing pretty good toward the end.  His big sister Cora came for […]

Wow, this little man gave me a run for my money!  He was exactly one week old for his big photo shoot, and I think he was having his first growth spurt.  All he wanted to do was eat, and eat, and then eat some more.  Poor momma was getting exhausted, I hope he fell […]

I had a visit last week from one of my oldest best friends, Danielle, and her little son, Ezra.  Danielle and I met when we were sophomores in high school.  I’m so happy that we are still in touch.  We don’t see each other often, but when we do, we just pick up where we […]