Okay, this is how you can tell I’m super blogging procrastinator, it’s October and I am just posting my Holiday minis I hosted last November.  UGH!  What is the matter with me?  Well, I love this backdrop so much I will use it again this year.  Happy holidays everyone!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, so wonderfully busy that I am just now getting around to posting my Holiday Mini Session favorites.  This was so much fun to do.  Keep your eye out for my Spring Minis coming next.

Oh Baby Luca, you sure were entertaining during your modeling debut.  Those crossed-eyes, and silly smiles kept us rolling around laughing! This little love was born 6 weeks early so even though I met him when he was 7 weeks-old, he was still pretty tiny, but SUPER alert.

Patchwork Quilt Our family is like a patchwork quilt With kindness gently sewn Each piece is an original With beauty all it’s own With threads of warmth and happiness It’s tightly stitched together To last in love throughout the years Our family is forever  

Two Princesses   I work with Paige, the Queen of this family.  When she asked me to take her family portraits, she voiced to me her concern about getting her two year-old to sit still long enough to have her picture taken.  Having a two year-old myself, I wasn’t too worried.  I know how it […]