Okay, this is how you can tell I’m super blogging procrastinator, it’s October and I am just posting my Holiday minis I hosted last November.  UGH!  What is the matter with me?  Well, I love this backdrop so much I will use it again this year.  Happy holidays everyone!

You know what I really love?  Being asked by someone you have been friends with for over 16 years to take your family photos.  Meet Anna, she and I went to nursing school together, and when her parents made the trip to California from Mississippi for Thanksgiving, Anna asked me to take family photos which […]

This is the second time I Adriana and Miguel came to me for maternity pictures.  I’m so glad they did because I haven’t seen their little boy since he was 2 weeks old and man is he a character.  Adriana is one of the most gorgeous pregnant women I’ve ever seen, as you can tell.