Newborn sessions are my absolute favorite! This turned into a toddler/newborn session because big sister tried to steal the show.

I am obsessed with this lifestyle session I recently did of this new family of 6. I way over delivered in this gallery because I just couldn’t pick my 20 favorite, I think I picked my favorite 75 instead. Oh well, this beautiful mama wasn’t mad about that.

You see this amazing matriarch?  Her name is Amy and she is one bad-ass mom who has raised two pretty awesome girls and is married to a kick-ass dude!  This family is the most athletic, fit, and active bunch of people I have ever met.  Amy and I work in L&D together and she is […]

Okay, this is how you can tell I’m super blogging procrastinator, it’s October and I am just posting my Holiday minis I hosted last November.  UGH!  What is the matter with me?  Well, I love this backdrop so much I will use it again this year.  Happy holidays everyone!