Two Princesses
I work with Paige, the Queen of this family. When she asked me to take her family portraits, she voiced to me her concern about getting her two year-old to sit still long enough to have her picture taken. Having a two year-old myself, I wasn’t too worried. I know how it goes with toddlers, they make the rules and my job is to capture their big personalities. When Paige and her husband showed up with their two Princesses, I couldn’t stop smiling. They are the cutest little girls, and while Kailey, the older one, hammed it up, Sadie, the toddler, ran around doing Princess things, as she should. It’s hard work being a Princess. Good thing I brought along my zoom lens, which is perfect for shooting sports and shooting toddlers, which should be considered a sport. I know when the session was over, Paige was still nervous we didn’t get any good shots of Sadie, but when she saw the final product, she was thrilled.
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