5 pregnancy myths that I continue to hear from my patients
With the abundance of information available with a simple Google search, I find it rather humorous that there are certain pregnancy myths that I routinely hear from my patients and maternity photography clients. I’m not sure where these myths came from, but I believe they are old wives tales that have been passed down from generation to generation, and they are sort of fun to believe. In all of my years of nursing and being a Sonoma County Maternity Photographer, the list of myths continues to grow, but I will talk about 5 of the most common ones I hear.
- “I’m eating for two”: False! Please don’t do this; gaining too much weight in pregnancy can bring on a host of problems. The recommended caloric increase is between 200 and 400 calories per day, depending on your pre-pregnancy weight. Recommended weight gain for a woman with a normal BMI is 25-35lbs.
- “Avoiding Exercise is Safer”: Staying active is the best prescription for pregnant and non-pregnant people. Keep this general rule in mind when exercising during pregnancy; keep doing whichever activities you were doing before you were pregnant. For example, if you were doing Pilates everyday before, don’t start CrossFit now. If you were walking 3 miles a day pre-pregnancy, don’t start a running program. Simple, right?
- “My baby must have a lot of hair because I have heartburn”: This is probably the pregnancy myth I hear most often. I truly wish heartburn meant something during pregnancy because so many women suffer from it. But heartburn and the amount of hair your baby has are not correlated. Trust me, I had THE WORST heartburn with all three of my pregnancies, and all three of my babies had just the tiniest bit of hair.
- “Morning Sickness Only Happens in the Morning”: Wouldn’t this be fabulous? Ask any woman who has suffered from nausea during pregnancy; it happens whenever it wants to. I was sick 24 hours a day the entire 39 weeks of each of my pregnancies. It was miserable to say the least.
- “I must be having a boy because I’m carrying my baby in the front”: You can’t predict the gender of your baby based on the shape of your tummy.

Hi there, I’m Michelle; I’m a labor and delivery nurse and a Sonoma County Maternity Photographer. I’d love to document your growing baby bump and answer your pregnancy questions. I hope this post was helpful in making your feel informed about your pregnancy with accurate information.
To book maternity pictures with me, contact me here.

Love this blog article! Always makes me chuckle when I hear a patient mention these 🙂
Good info!
I love your photographs!
Thank you. I miss you Suzan.
Have you heard of the pencil trick to determine sex of the baby?
Yes I have. It’s right about 50% of the time 🙂
It surprised me how many people still believe you can’t have a cup of coffee while pregnant. But then also believed that having a glass of wine is ok — umm what? I’m pretty sure a cup of coffee is less dangerous than alcohol. Another thing I kept hearing about was dates and some kind of tea to induce labor. I never bothered investigating. Oh and spicy foods too! Interesting what things have passed down.
I had a good chuckle reading these especially the heartburn one.!
Thanks for all the fantastic information!
Good stuff!
You’re photos are always beautiful!! I love that you’ve added a tid bit of facts to the page, so interesting to hear some of the things we’ve believed over the years!
Beautiful photographs and definitely good information!
Haha these are all so true! What a fun post. I love the double service you offer of having beautiful photos taken and getting to ask a pro about all your nervous questions. Lucky ladies!
Some of these old wives tales seem to hang around forever, and can be dangerous. Thank you for providing accurate information here! You are a great L&D nurse and amazing photographer!
Thank you Sheri 🙂
Michelle is the BEST. Unhurried natural pictures. She captured my family just…being my family! And in the most beautiful way. Highly recommend!
Oh Thank you Sarah!