I will have more of this little love later, but I couldn’t wait to share this one.  Isn’t he just so huggable?!

My sister Candi gave my girls this little red piano when they were little.  When they got bigger and their room became crowed with 2 twin beds and toy boxes, the piano was put up in the closet.  I spied the cute little piano the other day and thought Quinn would love to bang on […]

At least once a day, Quinn brings me my phone and says “dance party!”  Every few weeks he has a new favorite song he wants to shake his groove thing to.  A couple of months ago it was “Gangnam Style”, currently, his go to song is “Dont Stop the Party” by Pitbull.  So I happily […]

This truck has been resurrected from the died!  Can it really be the first truck we ever bought?  Oh, it is.  When my oldest, who is 9 now, was just a wee toddler, my husband was dead set on turning her into his little tomboy.  He bought this truck for her so she could fill […]

I don’t know what it is about Quinn and jammies, but as soon as we change him into his jammies he gets a second wind and wants to jump on the bed.  I’m so glad I grabbed my camera and took these pictures because these are my favorite pajamas and I’m pretty sure this will […]